We are here for our clients. Our mission is to help clients realize their craziest ideas for live performances and audiovisual projects, always offer innovative approaches and technologies, and to catalyse the talent of artists to help them get the most out of their art and help transfer their legacy and energy to the audience in the form of breath-taking extraordinary experience.

From the very beginning, there is a desire to provide the best technical services for all rock n roll heroes.

This is it. That’s why we do it. And we want to do it so that clients like to come back and put their trust in our hands with their next project.



toolbox full of sharp tools

Since 2018, High Lite Touring has been housed in a building providing administrative space for project preparation and organization and extensive space for storage and maintenance and preparation of equipment and materials. Five loading gates provide sufficient capacity to handle the logistics of many projects at once.

The facility offers an extensive prep-area, i.e. space for technical preparation of the project in the company’s background, with all the technologies available at your fingertips, additionally equipped with the possibility of hanging up to 20 tons and thus enabling technical preparation of almost any project directly at the company, where the material and technologies are getting ready for a sharp show, and as for the needs of the touring productions are prepared in the form of touring plug-and-play packages

The facility also offers WYSIWYG SUIT STUDIO for designing stages, events, projects, for pre-visualizing and pre-programming of lighting design and testing video content for shows.